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SFG Students Receive Their A-Level Results
Posted: 18th August 2022The first cohort of students from Harlow’s newest sixth form are on track to head for the country’s most prestigious universities.
Sir Frederick Gibberd College opened its academic sixth form in September 2021, with a mission to give young people from Harlow the opportunity to compete for places at universities such as Oxford and Cambridge.
After just one year, Year 12 students Nikita, Armandas and Denis have today picked up top grades in their A-level maths.
Next year, they will study further maths and continue with their physics studies.
Headteacher Dee Conlon said: “The aim of our sixth form is for our students to experience high-quality challenge and academic rigor. We support them to develop their knowledge and abilities, so they can compete with their peers at top universities and become the future leaders, thinkers and innovators.
“We have a particular focus on higher education and prep students for academic studies beyond sixth form.
“It is a privilege and a joy to teach some of the brightest young people of this town, like Nikita, Armandas and Denis. As one of their maths teachers, I am delighted and proud that they will be applying to study mathematics at leading universities, such as Cambridge, UCL, Imperial, Kings and Warwick.”
These students, who joined the sixth form from BMAT STEM Academy and Burnt Mill Academy in the town, are among the first 21 to study A-levels at the new school.
Armandas, who achieved an A grade in A-level maths, said: “I am glad to have completed my maths A-level in Year 12 and am happy with my grade. I am looking forward to now studying further maths.”
From September, the sixth form will triple its numbers with students studying the subjects required to secure places at Russell Group universities.
Year 13 will then finalise their university applications for courses including medicine, veterinary medicine, politics, history, psychology and various sciences.