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🌱 Free welbeing courses for every household provided by ACL Essex 👪 Sign up via their website: https://t.co/Ki1928RnB7 and search for 'Family Wellbeing' in the find a course box. pic.twitter.com/4KRIiQeCF2

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☕️ Join for a hot drink and a chat as part of Time to Talk day. 🤝 Everyone is welcome - just drop in! 📍Wellbeing Hub, 10-11 Corner House, Bush Fair, Harlow CM18 6NZ 🗓️ Thursday 6th February 12:00pm - 2:00pm. pic.twitter.com/Me8t45dI2y

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SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENT We're looking forward to welcoming families to view our school on Saturday 16th November. This event will offer you a chance to learn more about our offerings, meet our staff and explore the options available for the next stage of your child's education. pic.twitter.com/SAjb8vHuhO

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SFG school tour booking link:https://t.co/T1IrTidrQm

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Year 12 had a wonderful time visiting Westminster Abbey—what an incredible place full of history and heritage! 💙💛 pic.twitter.com/eyzShsqrOA

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Year 12 visited the Houses of Parliament last week. It's vital for our young people to understand and engage with politics. Thank you to for taking the time to meet and speak with them.#TeamSFG 💙💛 pic.twitter.com/e3NgVBzCFC

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Year 12 Maths Day was great fun. Thank you for having us 💙💛 pic.twitter.com/EHxv3nHPB3

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Year 7 Talk About Transition Workshops were fantastic. As always, big praise from the visitors on how engaged and polite our children were.#TeamSFG 💙💛 pic.twitter.com/50kMsbxUhy

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Thank you for the launch of BMAT Oxbridge Programme. Parents, students and staff enjoyed the presentation this evening. pic.twitter.com/8rDCHmM1uD

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REMINDER: We look forward to welcoming prospective families to our open event tomorrow morning. The briefing will be led by Headteacher and the senior leadership team. There will be an opportunity to hear about our values here at SFG and our approach to the curriculum. https://t.co/Ajs4i9yMkt

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OPEN EVENT We're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school on Saturday 14h September 2024. This event will run from 9:30am - 12:30pm, with Headteacher speeches taking place throughout the morning. pic.twitter.com/4PyDWfJmzR

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“I am really happy that I have been given this chance. I am getting a very good education and will go on to do good things." Congratulations to Abdul, who is staying on to study maths, further maths and physics at sixth form.https://t.co/MhAY8uzmY9#GCSEResults2024 pic.twitter.com/MKLfyOsE3K

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SFG College marks first set of GCSE resultshttps://t.co/eXYJ9BYcEI pic.twitter.com/ILCXJS0yx7

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“Congratulations to the Class of 2024 - you’ve worked hard and truly deserve your success. Well done!” - Dee Conlon, Headteacher Well done to all students collecting their #GCSEResultshttps://t.co/qiu5YR2kea pic.twitter.com/yyZN0ABxmG

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Y11 Art, Food and Photography Exhibition 26th June 5.30pm-6.30pm#TeamSFG 💙💛 pic.twitter.com/3LQnjsD0Kj

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With my: 1 heart 2 eyes 5 litre blood 206 bobes 1.2 million red cells 60 trillion DNA I wish you all the best! Good luck with your GCSEs Year 11! 💙💛 pic.twitter.com/pqm1kgmkfY

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Music workshops were fantastic. Thank you to Ms Savva for organising them. 💙🎶💛 pic.twitter.com/9A8AX5Sy6y

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To Year 11 from Mrs C: pic.twitter.com/pPTFdXebb6

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Reporting and Assessment

Target Setting

FFT Target Setting


The Fischer Family Trust (FFT) processes the National Pupil Database for the Department of Education and provides data and analyses to all schools in England and Wales. They provide grade predictors for student attainment at the the end of KS4 and we use these to inform the setting of ambitious and aspirational targets for students.


FFT is based on KS2 scores - the non-for-profit organisation look at the GCSE scores of all the students who got the same scores as your child when they were in Year 6 and then use that to work out the probability of your child getting particular grades at GCSE. These datasets are updated each year.


*For our September 2020 and 2021 cohorts who have not completed SATs, we have conducted CATs and base their FFT targets on these.


FFT benchmarks are based on how similar students nationally performed in the subject last year (similar students are defined as similar prior attainment, gender and month of birth). SFG uses the aspirational FFT-5 benchmark to set targets.

Assessment Policy

This policy outlines criteria subjects use as guidance for creating a ‘fit for purpose’ assessment structure alongside their curriculum.


Assessment Policy

School website by Cleverbox