Safeguarding & Safety For Visitors
We hope that your visit will be enjoyable, informative and safe.
Please help us by reading and complying with the guidance contained on this page which is intended to ensure your health and safety whilst visiting SFG.
If you have any questions after reading this, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff for assisstance. Staff can be identified easily as they all wear SFG badges. Please wear your visitor’s badge at all times when on site. Please return the badge to BMA reception and sign out when leaving.
All visitors, supply staff, student teachers and contractors coming into the school must report to Burnt Mill Academy main reception. As a visitor you will be asked to sign in and be issued with a badge which must be worn prominently so that staff and students can see you are a visitor. Depending on the circumstances you may also be asked to show any identification and your DBS certificate. If you are a regular visitor to the school you will need to sign in on each occasion. When you leave the site please ensure that you sign out and return your badge.
First Aid
We have several first aid staff, please alert a member of staff if you feel unwell and they will call for assistance for you. Alternatively, please go to the main office.
Health & Safety
Contractors must ensure that they are fully conversant with the safety rules and regulations to be observed by contractors working on site. As a visitor to our school it is essential that you follow and health and safety guidelines that may apply.
SFG is a non-smoking school; this includes e-cigarettes. Please DO NOT smoke on site or off site in view of pupils.
Before taking any photographs on site permission must be sought from either the Headteacher or the Site Manager.
Fire & Evacuation
If you have a host they will explain and guide you through any emergency procedures. If you are in school for the day please ensure you read the evacuation notice in the room you are in. If the alarm sounds for any reason follow the instructions. If you evacuate, the assembly point is clearly marked as the MUGA at teh back of the school. If you have students with you please ensure they leave quickly, calmly and quietly with you.
Parking on site
Walking/cycling to school will be the normal expectation and positively promoted from the outset for the whole school community. This approach also supports our commitment to promote healthy lifestyles and physical fitness for our children and their families. Encouraging walking/cycling also increases awareness of the local environment, independence and social opportunities. The school will be actively promoting car free travel. In some cases there may be a legitimate reason why a family has to drive to school however parking on the school site is limited. At the start and end of the school day, parents are not permitted to drive on to site for safety of our pupils.
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all visitors and volunteers to share this commitment.
All visitors must:
- Adopt high standards of personal conduct when working with pupils.
- Behave in a manner, which is a role model to pupils.
- Not discuss or make inappropriate or insensitive remarks to pupils.
- Avoid engaging in confrontation, demeaning or humiliating behaviour.
- Treat information about pupils confidentially.
- Never promise any pupil confidentiality.
- Avoid physical contact with pupils.
- Avoid one to one situations, where this is not possible speak to a member of staff and ensure there is visual access or an open door so that others can see you.
- Do not share personal information with pupils such as mobile numbers, personal email, etc.
- Be aware of our policies in use of ICT and social networking.
If a pupil makes a disclosure:
- Speak to a Safeguarding Officer immediately.
- Do not investigate — record information and pass to a Safeguarding Officer immediately.
- Report the pupil’s exact words.
- Do not promise confidentiality.
- Reassure the pupil they have done the right thing.
If you have a concern regarding the welfare of a pupil, alert a Safeguarding Officer.
Visiting Speakers
We ensure that we do not unwittingly use agencies that contradict each other with their messages or that are inconsistent with, or are in complete opposition to, our values. We are committed to the equality of opportunity for all.
We will assess the suitability and effectiveness of input from external agencies or individuals to ensure that:
Any messages communicated to pupils support British Values and our values.
Any messages communicated to pupils are consistent with the ethos of the school and do not marginalise any communities, groups or individuals.
Any messages communicated to pupils do not seek to glorify criminal activity or violent extremism or seek to radicalise pupils through extreme or narrow views of faith, religion or culture or other ideologies.
Activities are in line with our curriclum to avoid contradictory messages or duplication.
Activities are matched to the needs of our pupils.
We expose our pupils to opposing views and ideologies appropriate to their age, understanding and abilities. We actively engage with them in informed debate, and we use external agencies or speakers to support this. Therefore by delivering a broad and balanced curriculum, augmented by the use of external sources, we strive to ensure our pupils recognise risk and build resilience to manage risk themselves where appropriate to their age and ability but also to help them develop skills needed to engage in informed debate.
Further details about all this information can be found in our Key Information and Policies section.
Thank you for helping to keep SFG safe.